Thursday, 5 December 2013

the fair

On the 30th of November, we went to the Binningup fair and had a great time.
We went with our cousins, Jazmine, Tyson and their mum and dad. I saw no kookaburras there, but we still put this picture on this page. Also, we walked to the beach on the way back.

This is the kookaburra,

this is me, Tyson and Josie at the front of the queue for the balls

and this is us in them!


  1. Wow! Fancy catching the kookaburra kooking! Do you roll around in the balls, or what? Just as well you can see out and avoid collisions! Bit like a bumper car.
    More soon - it's really wintry here and I must get post off for various people "down under"! Nana x

    1. Hello Nana! Have you seen WOW balls (walk on water balls)? They are a bit like that but you do them on grass, there's holes in them so you can get in and out, and they're very thick. You run inside them to make them go and you can fall over. When Josie crashed in to me I went flying backwards! Sometimes I got squashed in between Tyson (my cousin) and Josie!
      love from Lily x

    2. Hello Lily! No, I have never seen balls walking on water, with or without people inside them! It's good to know that you don't have to live in a ball on the grass permanently. You might end up like a hedgehog! But I guess it's great fun, trying to run in one. They must be very strong if you could crash into Josie and Tyson. I was at Runton today and heard that there was cliff damage from the storm. I wonder whether the picture of Cromer Pier is on line - you can't walk on it at present because many of the decking planks are in untidy heaps. It has been a lovely day today, and should be better all week. I was interested to hear you had started bowing on your violin. You are so lucky to have Kirsty to help you keep an eye on your bow elbow height as you change strings. Pupils I had who had got into bad habits earlier somewhere else found it so hard to get right so they could really move easily over the strings as they progressed. Anyway, have fun and I'll really look forward to hearing you play sometime! Love from Nana x

  2. We are having a good time at Invergarry Primary. There was a storm yesterday and we didn't go to school and Beavers was cancelled. Judo wasn't cancelled. A branch landed on my play park says Elanor. There was snow today. Murray and Elanor want to have a shot of the balls. Me too says Callum!
    How hot is it over there? How big are the balls? We,r mising you.
    From the Little Class.

    1. Hello everybody! Was it a bad storm? IT'S SO BAD THAT SCHOOL WAS CANCELLED! (As well as Beavers!) How long was the power off for? Elanor is your playpark crushed? Is Emma missing snow fights with Josie?!
      It was 30 degrees here today. There was a lot of flies.
      Clem says the balls were as tall as the ceiling of the school! I say about 2.5 metres tall.
      love from Lily.

  3. Hi Lily, we all survived the storm and the school was only cancelled for 1 day. Now it is nearly the Christmas Holidays. What are your plans for Christmas? Hope you enjoy your Summer Holidays.
    Ms Brown

  4. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Elanor's playpark did not get crushed. Thank you very much for your Christmas card. Tommy says that you get Christmas 12 hours before us.
    Talk to you in the new year.
    From the little class.
